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Vintage World War II Religious Church War Cross Medal Episcopalian Service Men and Women

Vintage religious Church War Cross pendant medal- is it marked on the back W & H Co. (Whitehead & Hoag). This medal measures approximately 1 inch tall without the bail.

Whitehead & Hoag was in business from 1890- to about 1960. This is a vintage medal, not a new medal.

"The Episcopal Church Service Cross was the first cross to be approved by the military for our troops. Its circular shape prevents injuries from the ends of the arms of the cross during strenuous physical military activity.

From the Archives of the Episcopal Church about this cross:
The Church War Cross was designed under the direction of Mrs. James De Wolf Perry during World War I for the Army and Navy Commission of the Church. Each Episcopalian entering the Armed Forces was presented with one and the same cross was used during World War II. The Episcopal Church Service Cross carries the design of the ancient Crusader's Cross, the five-fold cross symbolic of the five wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ at his crucifixion. The words embossed upon it are taken from the Service of Holy Communion: Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for thee and feed on him in thy heart by faith with thanksgiving." - taken from Collector's Weekly.


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