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Antique French Paray-Le-Monial Religious Medal Signed Penin Poncet

Antique French Pray-Le-Monial religious medal. The front says in French Voilà ce Cœur qui a tant aimé les hommes. Which translates to Behold this is the heart which has so loved men.

The back has a date of 1675 which denotes The Great Apparition of 1675.

Je bénirai les maisons où l'image de mon Coeuur sera exposée et honorée. (I will bless the houses where the image of my heart will be exposed and honored).

Les âmes tièdes deviendront ferventes. (The warm souls will become fervent.)

Les pecheurs trouveront dans mon coeur la source et l'ocean infinide la misericorde. (The sinners will find in my heart the source and the infinite ocean the mercy.)

Je les consolerai dans toutes leurs peins. (I will console them in all their pain.)

Je serai leur refuge assure pendant lavie et surtout a la mort. (I will be their safe refuge during the day and especially to death.)

This medal is a souvenir medal of the Great Apparition of 1675 to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. It measures approximately 7/8ths of an inch tall and has not been cleaned. It is signed Penin Poncet Depose.


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